Rebeca Steiman

Along the wide brazilian international limit, the many bordering segments differ by their geographical characteristics and their relationships with their own central governments and the neighboring people. In no other places as the twin cities, symmetries and asymmetries between national territorial systems are so evident. Such people joining places, crossed by border lines, present huge potential for economic and cultural integration, and show, in higher level, the typical problems related to frontiers, which directly affect citizenship and regional development. Along the restructuring of the Programa de Desenvolvimento da Faixa de Fronteira, required by the Brazilian Ministery of National Integration, Grupo Retis presented a proposal for the classification of the twin-cities and segments at the border zone, based on permeability of flows. The classification adapted models proposed by Cuisinier-Raymal (2001), as well as considered the many empiric cases studied by a intensive research programme on border zones, supported by CNPq.

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Steiman, R. 2010. Zona de Fronteira e Cidades Gêmeas: uma tipologia das interações fronteiriças.  Taller Internacional Espacios Urbanos  y Sociedades Fronterizas em la Amazonia. Letícia, Colombia: Organização: Universidad Nacional de Colombia.